Tips For Cooking A Steakhouse-Perfect Steak

Food & Cooking Blog

Although it seems like everyone has a solution for cooking that perfect steak, some processes are far more complex than others. If you're looking to wow your significant other with a steak dinner that rivals your local steakhouse, you need to know the tricks of the restaurant trade. Here are a few of the things that restaurant chefs do to turn out that nicely caramelized, perfectly seasoned steak.

Choose The Right Cut

The first thing you need to do is make sure you're choosing the right cut of meat. Look for a boneless rib eye for something that's nicely marbled but not tough. It shouldn't be overly fatty on the outer edges, and it should be an inch or two thick. Opting for boneless is important, too. Eliminating the bone ensures that all of the meat comes in contact with the cooking surface to give you that caramelization all the way across.

Let It Warm Up

For even cooking, take your steak out of the fridge about a half-hour to an hour before you're ready to cook it. That lets the meat come to room temperature, which will help it cook faster and more evenly.

Season It Properly

Brush the surface of the steak with an oil that has a high smoke point. Safflower or avocado oil work well for this. The oil helps to conduct heat to the surface of the meat and also reduces the chance of sticking.

Once the surface is coated with the oil, sprinkle it liberally with salt and pepper. You might be tempted to add lots of other seasonings here, but if you can refrain, you'll end up with a finished product that lets the true flavor of the meat shine. Once seasoned, let the meat rest for about fifteen or twenty minutes so that the salt has time to absorb into the meat a little bit.

Heat Your Pan

Put a cast iron skillet on high heat so that it warms to between 450 and 475 degrees Fahrenheit. You'll know the pan is hot enough if you sprinkle a drop of water on it and the water dances, or bounces a bit, before it evaporates.

Cook The Steak

Place the steak in the center of the pan. Make sure it is flat against the cooking surface. Let it cook for 3 to 5 minutes, depending on how done you like your meat. Then, turn the steak over to cook the other side. The cooked side should be nicely browned and caramelized. Continue cooking for another 3 to 5 minutes. If you like your steak more done than medium, transfer it to a 425-degree oven at this point and cook it for another five minutes or so, until it reaches the temperature you prefer.

Place a tablespoon of butter on top of the steak and let it melt. You can even use a compound butter here, like one mixed with steak sauce or parsley. This creates that rich flavor you're used to from the steakhouse.

If you're not comfortable with your cooking skills, consider making reservations at the local steakhouse for dinner instead. Go to site for more information.


15 August 2016

Avoiding Danger In The Kitchen

About 10 years ago now, I was cooking with my mom when the worst happened. I was using the stove and the flames jumped into the pan, sparking a serious grease fire that I didn't know how to control. Fortunately, my mother thought quickly and extinguished the flames with a box of baking soda. This blog is all about avoiding dangers in the kitchen and knowing how to prevent problems before they arise. Your kitchen is an inherently dangerous place, but by knowing how to prevent issues, you might be able to save your home or save your family from very real problems.